Clinical Outcomes After Admission of Patients With COVID-19 to Skilled Nursing Facilities

McGarry BE, Gandhi AD, Chugtai MA, Yin J, Barnett ML.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, stabilized COVID-19–positive patients were

discharged to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to alleviate hospital crowding. These discharges

generated controversy due to fears of seeding outbreaks, but there is little empirical evidence

to inform policy.


To assess the association between the admission to SNFs of COVID-19–positive

patients and subsequent COVID-19 cases and death rates among residents.


This cohort study analyzed survey data from the

National Healthcare Safety Network of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The cohort included SNFs in the US from June 2020 to March 2021. Exposed facilities

(ie, with initial admission of COVID-19–positive patients) were matched to control facilities

(ie, without initial admission of COVID-19–positive patients) in the same county and with

similar preadmission case counts. Data were analyzed from June 2023 to February 2024.


The week of the first observable admission of COVID-19–positive patients (defined

as those previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and continued to require transmission-based

precautions) during the study period.


Weekly counts of new cases of COVID-19, COVID-19–related

deaths, and all-cause deaths per 100 residents in the week prior to the initial admission.

A stacked difference-in-differences approach was used to compare outcomes for 10 weeks

before and 15 weeks after the first admission. Additional analyses examined whether

outcomes differed in facilities with staff or personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages.


A matched group of 264 exposed facilities and 518 control facilities was identified.

Over the 15-week follow-up period, exposed SNFs had a cumulative increase of 6.94 (95% CI,

2.91-10.98) additional COVID-19 cases per 100 residents compared with control SNFs, a 31.3%

increase compared with the sample mean (SD) of 22.2 (26.4). Exposed facilities experienced

2.31 (95% CI, 1.39-3.24) additional cumulative COVID-19–related deaths per 100 residents

compared with control facilities, representing a 72.4% increase compared with the sample

mean (SD) of 3.19 (5.5). Exposed facilities experiencing potential staff shortage and PPE

shortage had larger increases in COVID-19 cases per 100 residents (additional 10.97 [95% CI,

2.76-19.19] cases and additional 14.81 [95% CI, 2.38-27.25] cases, respectively) compared

with those without such shortages.


This cohort study suggests that admission of COVID-19–positive patients into

SNFs early in the pandemic was associated with preventable COVID-19 cases and mortality

among residents, particularly in facilities with potential staff and PPE shortages. The findings

speak to the importance of equipping SNFs to adhere to infection-control best practices as

they continue to face COVID-19 strains and other respiratory diseases.